Did You Previously Volunteer With SVRS? We Want to Hear From You!
By Webmaster Jim Lehnert
January 14, 2024

2024 marks Spotsylvania Volunteer Rescue Squads 50'th Anniversary. Plans for a celebration are still in progress, but we want to hear from all our past members, especially any of our charter members. If you previously volunteered for SVRS, please drop us a line at SVRS_info1@spotsyrescue.org and let us know what you are doing.


Jean K Satterwhite (J. David) May 14, 2024 at 11:58 AM
Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary, and special recognition of all charter members - A. Miller Arritt III, Phyllis Bartley, Francis C. Boggs, Shirley P. Boggs, Harry Byies, Stephen Cloutier, Maria Czemez, B. Richard Garland, Shelia Garland, Bernice Hawkins, Kathleen H. Howard, Russell L. Howard, Robert E. Landrum, Eric Prasse, Mary Price, Richard Rhoades, J. David Satterwhite, Donald R. Shelton, Stuart L. Taylor, Virginia J. Taylor, Ernest L. Thaxton, Bryant S. Williamson.

Spotsylvania Volunteer Rescue Squad May 14, 2024 at 1:46 PM

Stephen Cloutier June 06, 2024 at 5:24 PM
Wow how the time has flown by. 50 years of serving the citizens of Spotsylvania County. Look how far the square has come. Most of all thank you for you dedicated service. Best Steve Cloutier (founding member)

Spotsylvania Volunteer Rescue Squad June 06, 2024 at 5:54 PM